Arborist consultancy: Construction impact assessments.
Arborist consultancy: Resistograph diagnostics
Fungi - Fruiting bodies on trees can indicate internal decay.
Tree Inspections - Carried out by an experienced and qualified Arborist.
Termite Infestation - Termites are small-white-soft-bodied insects, which feed on wood. The majority of termites feed on dead wood, but there are a few species that feed on live plants and trees.
Trial Trench - Conducting Roots Exploratory Trench to document available roots.
Tree Inventory - A basic for effective urban tree management; a tree inventory provides information such as tree health, species, size and location.
Termite Trail - Termites sometimes make tunnels or mud tubes to travel between a nest and a food source.
Tree Inspection - A visual inspection involves assessing the general condition, inspecting the root collar, trunk, branches and crown.
Is The Tree Still Alive? - When a tree ages, old bark will fall off and eventually be replaced by a new layer of bark. If new bark doesn’t reappear, this can be an indicator that tree health is declining.
How much space does a tree need for development? -It has been estimated that 300 to 400 cubic feet of soil is required to support a medium-sized shade tree, yet in many urban sites, trees are routinely confined to much less.
Pre-ConstructionSite Visit - The arborist and project manager should work together early in the planning phase for tree conservation.
Tree Survey- Asset Management in Construction.
Tree Survey - Pre-construction Tree Survey
Tree Survey - Pre-construction tree survey.
Tree Crown - Do you see any twig dieback?
Aerial Tree Inspection - Specialists inspecting parts of a tree which are not visible from the ground level.